I have only been Published since the end of September and I have already been nominated for two Blogger awards.
*YEY* I honestly didn't think my blog would go far yet, however I have already met some amazing people in the blogging world.
First I would like to start by thanking the very talented Souad from A Day In My Life, I am very grateful that you nominated me for the award.
The Versatile Blogger Award was created to celebrate bloggers who have unique content, good strong writing, and stunning images or photographs. Created by Bloggers for Bloggers.
1) Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy. Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
2) Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
3)Seven Facts about me.
Seven Facts about Me The Peppermint Pixie
1) I have broken my wrist 19 times since 2003
2) I collect snow globes - I have so many, but my favourite one is probably one with a bunny
that I got from my aunt when I was little.
3) I am totally WWE obsessed, I have been since I was 4 years old and I still am now.
4) I am absolutely in love with Moscow. I used to tell people when I was a young girl that I would get married in moscow and we would wear big wooly hats! (I didn't but I am tempted to renew our vows this way.)
5) I am squeamish around Tomatoes (no idea why I just don't like touching them)
6) When I was a Kid I wanted to be an Egyptologist.
7) I pierced my own lip when I was very drunk aged 17!
Onto my Nominations for The Versatile Blogger Award
14) wandernity.com
15) twoofamind.com
Please show these guys some love and give them a Follow / Like
Kelly x
