When we go to Yorkshire, Pickering in particular we always go to this same bakers and get Cheese Straws. With lockdown stopping any travel right now cheese straws are just not possible! :(
So we decided to experiment and see if we can make our own. I swear they are delicious!
380g Plain Flour
Pinch of salt
230g Butter ( I usually use salted at room temperature)
150g of your chosen cheese I used Cheddar
60g Parmesan
Pinch of Mustard powder
Pinch of Cayenne Pepper
2 large egg yolks
Preheat the oven to gas mark 5
Sift the flour and salt into a mixing bowl, add the butter and rub until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add in your cheese,mustard powder,Cayenne.
Using around 6 tsp of cold water add to the mix and mix until you get a firm dough
Wrap and place in the fridge for 30 minutes. Roll out onto a floured surface into a square with a thickness of a £1 coin. Cut into strips and then bake for 15- 20 minutes.