No yeast pizza dough recipe, honestly this recipe is super easy to make and tastes absolutely delicious.
The boys love pizza, in fact it is Elliot's favorite food, however for me i'm not a huge pizza fan I never have been. So when I was looking for new recipes to try I came across a pizza recipe that used 2 ingredients for the base and thought wow, I will have to try this. Honestly it is so nice. This recipe is super easy to make, so why don't you let the kids make it and come up with some interesting toppings.
We have been looking for a recipe that didn't use Yeast, at the minute it is like gold dust and just impossible to find.
(For the base)
1 cup of Self Raising flour
1 cup of Greek yoghurt
That's it! Now what you need to do is decide on toppings.
Mix the flour and yoghurt in a bowl until it is well combined, divide, roll out and start putting your toppings on.
Pop into the oven on gas mark 6 or 200, for around 15/20 minutes we usually just keep an eye on it and once the cheese has melted and the crust is golden you are good to go.
Topping Ideas
Pineapple (delicious on pizza)
BBQ Base, Tomato base, Sweet chilli base.
The options are endless the above are just a few of our favourites.
