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Nature activities for kids - Summer edition. Free printable sheets

Writer: Kelly Kelly

We love being outdoors in nature and love some great activities to keep the boys busy.

I find things like nature hunts, scavenger hunts and anything nature based seems to hold their attention the most. I love to come up with ideas, and this one seems to be a favourite with our youngest Elliot who is 8.


Bug Hunt

Rock painting

Rock pooling

Make a shell necklace

Grass trumpets

Press flowers

Scavenger hunts

Build a fairy/troll garden

Make bird feeders

Build a bug house

Build a birdhouse

Nature Art

Moth Hunt


Bike Ride


Butterfly hunt

Pooh sticks

Paper boat race

Build a den

Climb a tree

Cloud watching

Leaf rubbing

Bird watching

Skim Stones


Build a dam

Build a bird bath

Nature sketching

Lavender walk

Bee spot

Making things from sticks


Nature hide and seek

Flower painting

Start a nature journal

Nature walk

Rock balancing

Research habitats

Fruit kebabs

Find frogspawn

Build a raft

Fossil hunt

Build a Wildlife pond



You can have so much fun outdoors especially when the weather is nice.

You can even laminate it so you can reuse it.

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