Luxurious chocolate brownie recipe for that sweet sugary rush we sometimes need in our lives. Over the years we have tried various recipes and this is the one that seems to work for me. It is fun to do with the kids and you can add in any flavours if you want something a little bit different.
190g unsalted butter
190g dark chocolate
100g cocoa powder
50g white choc chips
50g milk choc chips
4 medium eggs
280g caster sugar
Cube the butter and then melt it in the microwave for a few seconds at a time stir until melted then set to one side. Break the dark chocolate up and again pop into the microwave for a few seconds stirring until it has melted.
Preheat the oven to Gas mark 4 / 180c. Grease your chosen tin or line with parchment paper, in a bowl mix together the cocoa powder and flour and add the chocolate chips.
Break 4 medium eggs into a large bowl and tip in 275g golden caster sugar. With an electric mixer on maximum speed, whisk the eggs and sugar until they look thick and creamy. Pour in the melted chocolate and butter and fold until combined.
Take your flour and cocoa mix and to the egg mix and fold until all combined. Pour into your tin then place in the oven for around 25 minutes. If it wobbles then it's not done.
You could add other flavours like fresh cherries, whisky or peanut butter.