Cobbler is one of my favourite meals, a true home comfort my gran used to make. She would use a range of different meats everytime she made it. I have never really been a fan of Pork but we had some that was left over from a BBQ I had put into the freezer. So I thought why not use them in a cobbler! Ingredients:450g Pork fillet cut into chunks 1 Red onion 1 Clove of garlic crushed3 Carrots Diced 1 tsp of Flour Handful of fresh Rosemary, ChoppedVeg stock cube Made up in 400ml water 3 tbsp of Green pesto For the Scones:225g/8oz self raising flourpinch of salt55g/2oz Butter 25g/1oz caster sugar150ml/5fl oz milk1 free-range egg, beaten, to glaze 1 tbsp poppy seeds

Method:Heat some oil in a casserole dish, add the pork and cook for around 5 mins. Once the pork has browned, remove and put to the side. Add the onion, Garlic & Carrots to the dish and cook until the begin to soften.Stir in the flour, rosemary and add the stock and bring to a simmer. Return the pork to the dish, Season and Mix. Cover and simmer for 15 mins. Then stir in the pesto ( I have been known to add more than stated), Preheat the oven to 180c fan 160c Then you need to add your scones, placing them around the outside of the dish, once covered, brush with egg then sprinkle your poppy seeds on top.Bake for 25/30 Minutes or until the topping has risen and golden. For the SconesRub the butter into the sieved flour, using your fingertips, then stir in the sugar followed by a pinch of salt.Using a knife, mix in the milk little by little, and when it’s all in, flour your hands and knead the mixture to a soft doughThen you need to roll them out in your hands until you have enough to cover the top of your dish.
