We are all looking for more things to do with the kiddos whilst in isolation so I thought I would share the recipes that we use to make Salt Dough and Play dough. Salt dough is great for making ornaments.
We usually make salt dough ornaments at christmas and hang them on the tree, it is so easy to make and a great craft for everyone to get involved in. You could make some cute Easter ornaments, make some egg shapes and paint them for Easter or you could make bugs and dinosaurs like my boys usually do. We usually make our own playdough which works out much cheaper than buying it plus you get to make it which makes it more fun for the kiddies.
For the salt dough
cup of plain flour
Half a cup of salt (will stop the little ones from eating it)
Half a cup of Water
Mix the salt and flour together and then start to add the water until you get a ball similar to playdough texture.
You can then start doing your shapes( you may need to flour the surface) once ready pop into your oven on a lined baking tray (parchment paper is fine) on its lowest setting and let it bake for 3 hours. Once cooled you can then paint.
For the Playdough
10 tbsp Plain flour
4 tbsp salt
75ml warm water
Food colouring of your choice
1 tsp veg oil
essential oils (optional)
In a bowl mix the water, food colouring, oil then add in the flour and salt, you can also add in a few drops of essential oil. Mix together until combined and turn out on a lightly floured surface until it is pliable.
Store in an airtight container or a ziplock sandwich bag.
Super easy fun for hours.
