When we heard Sunderland BID had been working on bringing the city a new trail through the Sunderland Experience app, we couldn't wait to try it. I love everything that is going on in Sunderland right now, with all the different trails and activities for kids to get involved in.
Sunderland BID have once again worked their magic and transformed the city centre into a wonderful, magical enchanted garden. In this augmented reality app you can take a walk around the city centre and find the colourful characters waiting for you. Elliot's favourite was the frog! He is frog crazy so he was thrilled with this one. I wont go into too much detail on the characters, I don't want to spoil it for those who have yet to take part in the trail. It is a great way to get out, explore the city and take in the surroundings. We used it as part of a history lesson, looking at the old buildings and talking about the past. The minister is beautiful inside and I thought using the app is a great way to get people in taking a look.
The focus behind the Enchanted Garden Trail is the importance of conservation, which we absolutely love, and how the planet really needs help if generations to come are to enjoy some of the wonderful things in nature that we sometimes take for granted.
You have to download the app from the app store and you follow the map around the city centre, there's 10 characters to find and you can take a break by heading into Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens or even Mowbray park. We took a walk around Mowbray park and then headed into the museum and had lunch at the new Italian bistro Bellini's. It was absolutely delicious. When you download the Sunderland Experience app, there are offers for local businesses to take advantage of, such as:
*Free ice cream at Bellini's with every kids meal
*25% off at Harry's Game Shack
*10% off with any purchase at Pop's Candy
*Family summer scorcher deal at Sunderland Bowl for £29.95 (2 games plus 4 drinks)
*And lots more!
Sunderland Bid have lots of other fab ideas on their website too, which you can find out all about HERE.
Don't forget to use the #SunderlandExperience
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