Growing up, the boys have all had a fascination with trains. We have waited in the rain for hours for special sightings, we have visited many train attractions across the UK and we have enjoyed many steam train rides. The older they have gotten the less the like Thomas the tank Engine and prefer the more grown up steam trains.
We actually have quite a few fab train based days out right here in the North East so we have put together a list of some of our favourites for anyone looking for train specific ideas.
Maybe its for the Summer holidays or another time, there are plenty of options.
Our Favourites
Tanfield - County Durham
We revisited Tanfield for the reopening after the first lockdown and it was a great way to spend a morning. Find out all about our visit HERE
Head of Steam - Darlington
We haven't been to Head of Steam for a few years but it is a great little museum for any train lovers.
Heatherslaw Light Railway - Ford & Etal
Our most recent trip to Ford & Etal involved starting our day with a ride on the Heatherslaw Light Railway. What a fantastic day out it was. Find out more HERE
Locomotion - Shildon
We headed to Locomotion on the day of reopening after lockdown, we love visiting and have been throughout the years. You can go on a nice walk to some of the other buildings that are a bit further away from the main shed but it is worth the walk. More info HERE
Beamish Museum
Beamish is one of the best days out in the North East in my opinion. It does not cost the earth to get in and your ticket lasts the year. So much to do here including taking a ride on a few of the trains. More info HERE
North Yorkshire Moors Railway
We have been visiting NYMR for many many years, Craig has been visiting since he was a boy and converted me. We love going for a ride on a steam train through the beautiful countryside. We have been on the Santa train here too, which was fab. Find out more HERE
Wolds Way Lavender
Wolds way is a great day out for the family, we have been a few times now and love it every time. Lots to see and do here and plenty to keep the kids happy including a ride on the miniature railway.
Find out more HERE
National Railway Museum, York
Another attraction we have been to quite a few times is the National Railway Museum in York. You can spend a good few hours here looking around the museum and you can even take a ride on the miniature railway. Find out more HERE
North Bay Heritage Railway
When we go to Scarborough we always visit North Bay, lots of happy memories growing up visiting and the boys love a good visit to Scarborough. Find out more HERE
Where do you like to head for a train day out?
Check out these posts for more ideas