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#30dayswild Ideas for you to get involved with The Wildlife Trusts' biggest campaign.

Writer: Kelly Kelly

We love The Wildlife Trust and are huge supporters of the work they do, June is one of my favourite times because it is #30dayswild The Wildlife Trusts' biggest campaign to get people involved in nature throughout June.

We have taken part for around 3 years now so this is our 4th year and even though the boys are getting older we all still love to get involved.

So what is #30dayswild?

30 Days Wild is the UKs only 30 day long nature challenge brought to you by The Wildlife Trust. Encouraging people of all ages to get involved with nature.

It is not too late, you can still download the pack online if you don't have one already.

Here are some ideas for you to do over the month.

  1. Big Wild Breakfast

  2. Visit a reserve

  3. Go on a wild Picnic (Take your rubbish home)

  4. Explore near a river, maybe you could spot some tadpoles/frogs

  5. Scavenger Hunt.

  6. Make a bug house

  7. Listen to birdsong

  8. Plant some pollinator friendly plants

  9. Wild art - Paint outdoors, colour in in the garden etc.

  10. Make bird feeders

  11. Walk barefoot on the grass

  12. Go on a forest walk

  13. Litter pick your local park/beach or streets

  14. Climb a tree, what can you see?

  15. Bat walk

  16. Make seed bombs

  17. Watch the live webcams from The Wildlife Trusts

  18. Big Wild Weekend starts Go camping!

  19. Bike Ride

  20. Start a nature journal

  21. Mini beast hunt

  22. Read something wild

  23. Go to the beach

  24. Grow a mini meadow

  25. Go pond dipping

  26. Cloud watching

  27. Moth trap

  28. Dusk walk

  29. Spot butterflies

  30. Forest bathing

There you have 30 ideas to keep you busy during June. We plan to visit some of our favourite reserves throughout the month and some new ones too. We have a camping trip planned and will be going on some nature trails. I will be updating a weekly diary and sharing it on the blog for anyone who would like to follow our journey. Have fun and go wild!

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