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30 days wild with The Wildlife Trusts - Week 4

Writer: Kelly Kelly

As we are coming to the end of #30dayswild with The Wildlife Trusts, we take a look back on our week 4. We have had a fantastic week getting busy in nature and the boys being their usual wild selves. Even though 30 days wild is coming to an end for June, we are a very nature/outdoorsy family so we will continue with getting wild and muddy.

Here is what we did for week 4.

Sorted our Garden out! We have been rearranging the plants and clipping,planting some herbs and we have sorted some fantastic hanging baskets for the bees. We love to garden and growing up on a farm I just love to be outside planting food and teaching our children all about growing your own. We are also going to start our own compost heap.

Woodland Bug Hunt - We visited Hamsterley forest again and this time we went on a mega bug hunt equipped with magnifying glasses, pens and notebooks to jot and draw what we found.

Beach day - We spent the full day at the beach, switched off from the internet with no screens and it was bliss. We watched the birds, spotted Dolphins, built sandcastles and did funny dances whilst trying to avoid the Jellyfish in the water.

Ladybird day - We did some research on Ladybirds. Did you know the average lifespan from egg to adult is just 1 year.

Bug Hotel - The boys have almost completed their bug hotel after putting more things into the gaps to create a magnificent habitat for more critters.

Litter pick - We took a trip to our local park after the stupid crowds had gone home and cleared the place up a bit. The amount of rubbish and glass was appalling. We have some wild terrapins in the park and lots of other wildlife. If you visit somewhere take your rubbish! We also spotted some woodpeckers on our walk round the park.

An extra thing to add is we know of a family of foxes that stay locally so we keep just checking that they are ok. (We do not disturb them) I am hoping no one horrid ruins their little family unit they have going on.

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COPYRIGHT -  North East Family Adventures

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