Week 2 of #30dayswild has been and gone already. I feel like the months are going by a bit quicker now that we are allowed out more.
The Wildlife Trusts seem to have engaged quite a lot of people this year, all getting involved in enjoying nature. One of the positive effects of lockdown.
Here is what we have done for week 2
Scavenger hunt - We went for a lovely walk to one of our local Nature reserves Rainton Meadows, I decided to laminate a few scavenger hunt boards for the boys to choose from to keep them busy whilst going for a lovely walk. Strangely the only thing they didn't manage to find was a worm.They even danced like seagulls to make them come out, but no luck.
Seaglass Hunt - We took a stroll to one of our many local beaches for a Sea Glass hunt. The boys actually enjoy doing this, we have found some amazing pieces of sea glass and fossils just this year. We also sat and watched some of the Shags.
Bees - We have been looking at the importance of Bees and the boys did some research on the different types of Bee and then painted a picture.
Worm Hunt - Elliot has been determined since we went to Rainton Meadows to successfully find a worm. So this is what we did for one of our challenges.
Danced in the Rain - One thing we have found lots of and that is rain! It hasn't stopped all week. So we went outside and had a little dance in the rain. I love being outside in the rain.
Beach Clean - One of the many things I am passionate about is oceans and the impact Plastic has on the species that live in, around, on it.
Nature inspired Themed Poetry - We have been thinking of ways to incorporate Nature into our daily learning so we did some Nature themed poetry. We try to mainly get our inspiration for nature writing from the woods. The smells, sounds, what you can see etc.
We also watched Springwatch and had fun with lots of crafts using recycled materials.
Bring on week 3 of #30dayswild
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