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10 Family Friendly Halloween Movies

Writer: Kelly Kelly

We all know the struggles of trying to find movies that suit everyone’s age and taste.We have always stuck to making the decisions based on what we think is suitable for our children, rather than age ratings, which can sometimes be way off the mark, in our opinion. Halloween is a time for scary movies and pumpkin flavoured everything. Trying to find a good Halloween movie that is suitable for all three boys to watch together has proved tricky at times. Here are our top Ten Family friendly Halloween movies that we just love. Scare ratings are not official and are provided by my boys… * Fine ** You will be ok *** Maybe a pillow **** where’s the blanket ***** Behind the sofa Hocus Pocus – PG . *Hocus Pocus is one of my all time favourite family friendly Halloween movies. All three of my boys love this movie and its not “scary” although some may find Billy the zombie a tad uncomfortable. I do have to mention the word virgin is used a few times and although it’s never been a topic of interest in my house it could become one in yours.

Goosebumps – PG *** A book lovers heaven…. I was brought up addicted to R.L. Stein and the Goosebumps series. I read every single book over and over …. I am so happy all three boys have the same love for Goosebumps. We were really excited when the movie was released and it is a movie we watch quite often. Can be scary to some, Elliot was scared of the poodle for a while but overcame his fears and now loves it. Definitely on our Halloween list

Casper – PG **I don’t think I have ever met anyone who didn’t like Casper. One of my all time favourites growing up. I just wanted to be his friend and make him happy! Elliot found Casper a little scary when he was younger but he really enjoys it now so a definite must for us.

The Nightmare before Christmas – PG **This is on my top 100 list of best movies ever! It is fantastic! I do have to add that some younger kids may find it a bit scary and unsettling at times. We also watch it at Christmas time because it’s both! If you haven’t seen it you really should and you will be singing the songs for days after.

Toy Story of Terror – U *An entry requested by Elliot in particular. He is Toy Story mad. When he found out they made a Halloween movie he was so happy.Not Scary any child will be a fan of this Family movie especially the younger ones as it’s not on for too long.

The Addams Family (1993) – PG **I always looked forward to watching The Addams Family at Halloween so I was really looking forward to showing my boys. They enjoyed it, although Elliot isn’t a big fan because “The hairy one is creepy”. Yes that was his worries! Parental Guidance is a must as some material could be frightening but it’s not too bad.

The Witches – PG ***As a house full of book lovers it’s pretty obvious as to why The Witches has made our list. It’s funny, scary, and just fantastic. We watch this throughout the year but we do love to watch it when we have our decorations out for Halloween. Could be pretty scary for younger children. Even I find Anjelica Huston’s character a little off putting sometimes.

Beetlejuice – 15 ***Beetlejuice was a favourite of mine growing up, and I really thought about this one before letting my boys watch it with it being rated a 15, but the boys are sensible and I eventually let them watch it. I do agree it can be a bit too scary for the younger viewers, but it is the perfect movie for us to snuggle and watch together. It’s funny, scary and silly. PERFECT!

Monster Family – PG *A pretty new entry with this one. It is the perfect family friendly Halloween movie.I have to admit when the boys said they wanted to go to the cinema to see this one I was a little unsure as to whether they just wanted the pick n mix or if they did want to see it. All the hype leading up to the release made me feel it was going to be a bit disappointing, however we all found ourselves laughing and really enjoyed it. Fine for the younger viewers.

Frankenweenie – PG *Frankenweenie is one of those movies that I really didn’t expect the boys to enjoy with it being black and white, because that’s too old fashioned, but we always find ourselves watching it around Halloween time. Perfect for the younger viewers although Elliot did ask his Gran if he could try and bring her dog back from the dead….

There you have ten fang-tastic Halloween movies to watch with your family. There are so many more that could have been on the list! What are your favourites?

Kelly x


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